How To Form a Union
By joining together with your co-workers you can build an employee organization that gives you a real say over your job, puts you on more equal footing with your employer, and ensures a better economic future for you and your co-workers.
1. Talk to Co-Workers/Gather Information
What issues do you care about most?
Are there any common themes?
Do other co-workers share your interest in exploring forming a union?
Contact us for help with getting started.
2. Form an Organizing Committee of Representative Co-Workers
The Organizing Committee is a diverse group that:
Educates co-workers about the benefits of
unionizing and your rights under the law,Motivates others to take action with confidence,
Identifies common workplace concerns, and
Helps plan how to build a strong union.
3. Build Majority Support
With an Organizing Committee in place and a good plan, you’re ready to take action! Make your campaign public by speaking with all of your co-workers to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to be involved. Cards or petitions are signed to show union support.
4. Make Your Union “Official”
Now you can ask your employer to voluntary recognize your union or you can request the National Labor Relations Board to hold a secret ballot election.
5. Win a Strong Contract
Once your union is official, you and your co-workers will negotiate a legally binding contract with your employer that puts all terms of employment in writing. When negotiations are over, the union will vote to approve the contract.